Jonathan Moore to be Featured Artist at First Micropolis Show of 2024
Micropolis Cooperative Art Gallery will hold a Meet the Artists Reception on Friday, January 12, between 5 and 7pm. Jonathan Moore, a wood turner, will be the featured guest artist. The reception is free and open to the public. The gallery, located inside Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market at 30 N. Main St., Gloversville, is open Monday-Friday / 9am-6pm and Saturdays from 9am until 2pm.
Moore, a resident of Fonda, NY, says that he has always been interested in woodworking and doing do it yourself projects. He purchased his first lathe in September 2019 and began turning wood and epoxy resin pens, as well as small and lidded bowls.
Moore has since acquired a larger lathe and has turned a wide variety of items. He has turned many bowls, the largest being 17” x 6”. He has also created rolling pins, baseball bats, table legs, lidded bowls, mortar and pestals, plates, platters, bottle stoppers, vases, candle pedestals, ornaments and more.
Moore often uses reclaimed wood from storm damaged trees, windfall, and hazardous trees, all removed for safety reasons. Such trees are often spalted wood which is very popular with wood turners. They like it because of its random lines and patterns which are revealed when turned, creating a beautiful, natural design.
Moore has used maple, walnut, beech, box elder, red cedar, and cherry to create pieces that will be in this show. He has also made bowls with live edges. A live edge bowl, also sometimes called a natural edge bowl, is one that uses the natural contour of the bark side of a log as the top rim edge of the bowl.
In addition to the artwork of the featured artist, the gallery is filled with paintings, drawings, pastels, photographs, fiber art, mixed media, glass, digital art, jewelry, pottery, woodland assemblages, baskets, turned items of exotic wood and fine art cards by members of Micropolis Cooperative.
The members are Betsy Batchelor, Paula Becker, Dan Bridge, Karen J. F. Cooper, Robert Coppen, Ruth Christie Crotty, Cheryl Gutmaker, Michelle Harring, Alex Higgins, Linda Hinkle, Kathy Klompas, Linda Kollar, Kevin Kuhne, Phyllis Lapi, Anne Marie LaVallee, Jonathan Moore, Lynda Naske, Kathie Raneri, Katie Santomartino, Cindy Sheeler, Sandy Smith, Martha Starke, Gabriella Vardai-Davidson and Eileen Wrightsman.
Image: Jonathan Moore discusses the process he uses to create his artwork of wood to Micropolis Gallery member Cindy Sheeler.